If you want to apply to perform at the Meredith Music Festival, you need to send some music, and your contact details to us by September 30 each year. You can include photos, reviews, biographies, notification of live dates, and videos etc if you wish to, however this is not necessary.

Due to the large volume, we cannot reply to each application. So don’t send us anything you want back, because you wont get it back. We will contact you if we want to invite you to perform, otherwise please don’t bother trying to contact us, sorry. Aunty Meredith has nothing to do with selecting the acts so please dont bug her. She gets awfully shitty, and wont throw the kids next door's tennis balls back over the fence when someone hits a six.

The postal address is:

Meredith Music Festival
PO BOX 12255
A'Beckett Street Post Office
Melbourne Victoria 8006 (yes, 8006)




Thanks to those who have stepped forward in the line of duty.

Aplogies to those that missed out.

We repeat - all volunteer positions for this year - The Fourteenth Meredith - are now filled.

Succesful applicants will be notified soon, if they havent been already.



We have a group of caterers who have been part of the festival for many years, so there is only ever opportunity for a small amount of new food stalls at the most each year. We do require you to carry your own public liability insurance, so if you do not have a current policy then don't bother applying.

If you do, then please send all your relevant details - menu, prices, specifications of your set-up - size, power/water requirements etc - to us and we will contact you if we are interested.

The postal address is:

Meredith Music Festival
PO BOX 12255
A'Beckett Street Post Office
Melbourne Victoria 8006 (yes, 8006)

Meredith Music Festival Images

Meredith Music Festival Images

Meredith Music Festival Images

Meredith Music Festival Images

Meredith Music Festival Images

Meredith Music Festival Images

Meredith Music Festival Images

Meredith Music Festival Images

Meredith Music Festival Images

Meredith Music Festival Images