If you've got a question regarding anything about the Meredith Music Festival please read through this site carefully. Check out pages like Frequently Given Answers, Essentials, Be In It, and Getting There. If you have a question that is not answered by the information in this web site, then you can email Aunty Meredith.

The question travels all the way through cyberspace to Aunty Meredith's house where the butler rings a little handbell -ding-a-ling-a-ling! - and Aunty Meredith rushes in from pruning the Hibiscus or playing totem tennis with the Vicar or having a little afternoon rumpy-pumpy with Percy the gardener and reads your email.

Then she'll send you an answer, lickity-split, isn't it amazing what they can do these days?


Please go to the Be In It page for all info regarding Volunteer positions.
Don’t ask Aunty Meredith anything about volunteers – she’ll just get pissed off. It’s all there at Be In It.


Applications close September 30 each year, go to Be In It page for all details.


See Be In It page for how to apply.

*****Please note: Aunty Meredith takes her annual holiday to her seaside caravan park from December 6 to 16 each year. Any questions asked in that time will be answered on her return.*****


 READY TO ASK AUNTY MEREDITH YOUR QUESTION? Ask Aunty Meredith your question

Here's a small sample of the wisdom of Aunty Meredith:

Dear Aunty Meredith,
Will the festival be more crowded this year? I love the space at Meredith. I’ve hadt the year off work and need plenty of room to practice my flipper, bosey and zooter.
Shane, Brighton

Dear Shane,
No the festival will not be more crowded than last year. We limit numbers to Keep Things Comfortable. In fact, there will be more campgrounds, more food stalls and more toilets and showers than last year, so there will be more space, less queues. And more shade. If you are bringing your own baked beans, remember you can't use any kind of naked flame or gas cooker, so you’ll have to eat them cold. And stay away from the St Johns nurses.

Dear Aunty Meredith,
Why don’t you have market stalls? People need to shop when they go to a music festival. It’s good for the economy.
John, The Lodge

Dear John,
Lets make a deal: you stick to ruining the country, we’ll stick to running Meredith.

Dear Aunty Meredith,
Can we bring our family caravan to camp in? It’s got a mirror – a girls gotta look her best – and comfy beds too. And will there be Tai Chi again on Sunday morning?
Samantha, Brighton

Dear Samantha,
Yes of course you can sweetheart, but stick to flat, dry ground – the Top Paddock is the best place. And yes Master Jin-Song Han will be back with a Tai Chi demonstration and class on Sunday morning.

Meredith Music Festival Images

Meredith Music Festival Images

Meredith Music Festival Images

Meredith Music Festival Images

Meredith Music Festival Images

Meredith Music Festival Images

Meredith Music Festival Images

Meredith Music Festival Images